Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sharing your faith...

Today, I read something from an old "Upper Room" devotional - "Because I am a Christian, I love to share my faith with anyone who will listen." and "Sharing our faith can prepare others to receive God's grace."

I don't like to talk about religion to pretty much anyone. I rarely ever invite people to church - not because I am unhappy with my church, but because to me, religion is such an intimate thing in someone's relationship. I think in the last 10 years, I have only truly invited 1 person to church. And you know what? She still comes today. She's gotten a lot of healing from our church, and I'm so happy that she is a part of my church family.

But, I have realized that "sharing your faith" is not just about inviting someone to church. Think about the 3 degrees of influence. Sharing my faith can simply be me influencing another person by how I act out my faith. Even though I am hesitant to invite someone to church, I am not scared to tell someone I go to Church. I work at a church, I volunteer at church. I am not afraid to invite someone to something our church is doing - a service project or an activity.

There is so much negative ideas that surround faith, religion, Christianity, etc. Did you know, most people consider themselves spiritual, but do not prescribe to any religion, and do not wish to go to church. It means that we all have a feeling of the divine, we just don't necessarily want to label it, put it in a box, and worship it in a building. But, I am one of those who do... sort of. When someone knows that I am a Christian - and more specifically a Methodist - someone who goes to the Church of the Joyful Healer - I hope that I am influencing them in a specific way. That I change their preconceived notions of what they thought Christians were - in a positive way. I hope that by my actions of service and love, I am influencing them to be a better person. That by them seeing how I act to do something beautiful for God in my life, community and world  - they will in turn do the same, which will influence their children and friends, who will then influence their families and friends.

I often hear - "How do I share my faith to someone who doesn't believe the same as I do?" or "How do I invite a friend to church?" This isn't the only way to share your faith. Church is simply one outlet of sharing ones faith - but there are other ways. My church once a month has an Art Night. I invite people to that. My church does a monthly service project at Patrick's Point State Park - I invite people to that. So, even though I have a problem specifically inviting someone to a church service - I don't have any problem inviting someone to a special program we are doing.

So, re-think church! Think outside the box! There are other ways besides physically going to worship service where you can share your faith.

Feeling a Nudge...

God speaks to us in so many ways... for me, it's sometimes in the way of an uncomfortable nudge.

2 weeks ago - I felt a nudge to speak in church. I'm an introvert - public speaking terrifies me! But i felt this need to do this - and it was well received.

Last week - I felt a nudge to give a little more (financially). I basically go to two churches, but I am only a member of one. I have been increasing my tithe to my church to where I am doing just about 10% tithe of the money that I make personally (not my husband's money - this is a choice I make spiritually - when or if he chooses to embrace Christianity as I have, we may choose to do differently).  In January, I chose to give a "2nd mile" giving to Imagine No Malaria - I purchase 1 "net" a month ($10 donation). So, last week, I was nudged to give to my 2nd church family - the church I go to 1-2 times a month. The other church I work for. I didn't feel that I should share what I have already pledged to the church where I am a member of - I did not feel that was right. So, you could say this extra tithing is more of a "3rd mile" giving. It's not much, about 1% of my income, but it is what I can do right now and is something I am pledging to do for the rest of the year.

2 days ago - I felt a nudge to make a meal. I haven't done it yet - looking into the specifics of the need. The Arcata UMC commits to making a meal for the Arcata Night Shelter 2x per month. It's often the same people doing it over and over - and often, when there is a night no one can do it - one of the church "elders" does it. But 2 days ago, I got this nudge to do it at least once every 2 months. I can make a meal for 20 people who have nothing - it will make me feel like I am helping and I know I will be doing something beautiful for God - and what God has nudged me to do.

Yesterday - I felt a nudge to do a service project. I'm hoping to get the youth involved. My idea - to set up a booth outside of K-mart and ask people to support UMCOR by purchasing items for kits. These kits are sent to disaster locations. Then having the youth put the kits together. I think it could be cool - fun. Plus, I would like to see my child do more in the way of service when it comes to youth group.

My nudges are coming more and more often! I think it's because I've been a bit more open to where and who God wants me to be.