Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Feeling a Nudge...

God speaks to us in so many ways... for me, it's sometimes in the way of an uncomfortable nudge.

2 weeks ago - I felt a nudge to speak in church. I'm an introvert - public speaking terrifies me! But i felt this need to do this - and it was well received.

Last week - I felt a nudge to give a little more (financially). I basically go to two churches, but I am only a member of one. I have been increasing my tithe to my church to where I am doing just about 10% tithe of the money that I make personally (not my husband's money - this is a choice I make spiritually - when or if he chooses to embrace Christianity as I have, we may choose to do differently).  In January, I chose to give a "2nd mile" giving to Imagine No Malaria - I purchase 1 "net" a month ($10 donation). So, last week, I was nudged to give to my 2nd church family - the church I go to 1-2 times a month. The other church I work for. I didn't feel that I should share what I have already pledged to the church where I am a member of - I did not feel that was right. So, you could say this extra tithing is more of a "3rd mile" giving. It's not much, about 1% of my income, but it is what I can do right now and is something I am pledging to do for the rest of the year.

2 days ago - I felt a nudge to make a meal. I haven't done it yet - looking into the specifics of the need. The Arcata UMC commits to making a meal for the Arcata Night Shelter 2x per month. It's often the same people doing it over and over - and often, when there is a night no one can do it - one of the church "elders" does it. But 2 days ago, I got this nudge to do it at least once every 2 months. I can make a meal for 20 people who have nothing - it will make me feel like I am helping and I know I will be doing something beautiful for God - and what God has nudged me to do.

Yesterday - I felt a nudge to do a service project. I'm hoping to get the youth involved. My idea - to set up a booth outside of K-mart and ask people to support UMCOR by purchasing items for kits. These kits are sent to disaster locations. Then having the youth put the kits together. I think it could be cool - fun. Plus, I would like to see my child do more in the way of service when it comes to youth group.

My nudges are coming more and more often! I think it's because I've been a bit more open to where and who God wants me to be.

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