Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Gospel According to Dave

At work, my boss asked me to put up some quotes all around the building - thought provoking quotes to get people talking. I had to stop myself because really, all I wanted to do was put up a whole bunch of Dave Matthews quotes.

Yes, I am a HUGE fan! His music is amazing - but part of the reason why his music is so amazing is because it talks directly to me. There is so much we can learn from Dave - who by the way was born a Quaker and doesn't necessarily consider himself religious these days. I think God speaks through Dave more than anyone can know. God speaks through all musicians, if we are brave enough to listen.

Here are a few favorite verses from the Gospel of Dave...

The future is no place to place your better days.

Could I have been anyone other than me.

Crazy as I may make my way through this world, it's for no one but me to say what direction I shall turn.

A couple of my favorite songs you must listen to - cause there is so much he is saying in them:

Funny the Way it Is
Dive In

And if you can't tell what he's saying, or you're not sure you agree - listen again. :)

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