Saturday, November 23, 2013

Doing Christmas with JOY

So, as a mom, we all know that this time of year is hard. Like most moms, I have children who know how to be thankful, know that they "should" be less self centered - but lets face it... the "me" bug hits hard this time of year. And the age where my children are (9 and 11), it is also just part of their development. But, as a mom, it is my job to help teach them, even though it may seem futile.

Yes, it's not even Thanksgiving, and I'm writing about Christmas - but it's because of the fact that Advent starts so close to Thanksgiving this year that I am already thinking ahead. I noticed the other day other mom friends having similar thoughts. How can we be sure that this year is different - or how can we continue to teach our children through an ever increasing commercialization that takes over this time of year.

One friend mentioned celebrating the season with J.O.Y - Jesus, Others, Yourself (in that order). This is not a new concept - is a simple concept - and is often overlooked. So, this year, I am remembering to celebrate the season with JOY for myself, and for my children.

So, how can we do this?

Jesus: Remember the reason for the season. There will be tons of super conservative folks out there who will throw in my face that Jesus wasn't born in the winter and that Christmas started out as a pagan holiday, blah, blah, blah. I'm not going to discount any of this. The origins of why we celebrate Jesus' birth in December does not mean we should not celebrate Christmas for the right reasons... and that is the birth of Christ (come on, how many have celebrated a birthday at a different time of year because of when your birthday falls?) So, remember Jesus and the coming hope this season. One of the ways we do this as a family is to light an advent wreath throughout the season of Advent (my children make one every year at our church - but you can make one easily enough). Each week we light the correct amount of candles, and focus on the themes of Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.

Others: This should be an easy one, right? Think of someone else this season. It's when most donations go UP for organizations. The other day I was speaking to our pastor, and he reminded me about giving this time of year, and how one of the best ways is to give a gift that will go beyond Christmas. When I was a kid, our church did holiday food boxes - in youth group we got to go shopping for these food boxes. I remember thinking how much fun that was, for us, to give something to someone who had little. But that doesn't fill a bigger need. While these boxes (or holiday gifts) are important for families - we all want the holidays to be special - we need to think beyond the holidays. So.. Consider the organizations you give to - I would highly suggest giving to your church. Most churches have some sort of Family Assistance fund - or a pastor's discretionary fund where the pastor can help out someone in need. Consider giving money to this, or food cards, gas cards, grocery cards. These can be used during the holiday season AND beyond.

Yourself: And then the part we all love - giving to you... well, after we have thought of the first two, "you" doesn't seem so important, does it. This is when I realized I truly have all I "need" and most of what I "want". Sometimes my "wants" and "needs" are skewed - and this helps me to realize what is important. This season, people have already been asking me, "what do you want for Christmas?" I can honestly say that there isn't anything, besides TIME, that I want for Christmas. Maybe this means I've finally grown up...

So there you have it. May we all have much JOY this holiday season.

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