Wednesday, June 26, 2013


This is a heated topic - especially in the Methodist Church. The reason why I love Methodists is that we all have different opinions! The reason I get frustrated with Methodists is that we all have different opinions. It's not like I pretend that my opinion is the right one. I have to say I believe I'm fairly middle of the road thinking - which is a blessing and a curse because I feel that I see both sides of the issues too well, and it often makes it hard for myself to formulate my own feelings on certain issues.  However, this is an issue I do feel strong about - and I am often quiet about because too many of my friends and family are on the other side of the fence.  I want to be silent no more - I'm trying.

The supreme court voted that DOMA and Prop 8 are unconstitutional! FINALLY!! It was a close one - like in our own Methodist guidelines - the fight for full inclusion is still a close one. I know the scriptures that many try to throw at you to show that God was against anything besides heterosexual unions - and I'm sorry, if you look at the context of those scriptures, in my eyes and interpretations, they do not add up. When it comes to true love - gay or straight - Love is Love and God is for ALL love! When it comes to all people - whether you are of a different race, ethnic background, sexual orientation or anything else - Jesus loves you!

OK - side note here - do you know how hard it is for me to admit myself that Jesus loves me?! And for me to say it to you, that is even harder. I don't go for that whole "sin" thing.... I hate the word "sin" - I hate the context it is used in. I hate that it is so used that we all feel unworthy. I hate that I am quiet about my beliefs - that while I feel this close and personal relationship with God and Jesus, I still don't feel fully comfortable talking about it, talking about sin, accepting that the real definition of sin is not doing something BAD but simply missing the mark. That God is not disappointed in me.

So, that being said - God loves you. Jesus loves you. You are not a disappointment! If you love differently, it's OK. Guess what... if you disagree with me - it's still OK. God loves you! If I can change your mind - I will try. But I do not condemn you for having a different view from me. Please don't use your view to hate. And thank God for open-mindedness.

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