Monday, July 8, 2013

Make room for Jesus

I'm not used to being a part of something so "christian" as church camp. I went to church camp when I was a kid - I loved it! But, I have always been just a little bit uncomfortable with a little TOO much Jesus. I think a few of our kids at camp might feel the same way. We don't speak a lot of "Jesus Talk" or "God Speak" at the Church of the Joyful Healer.

There is actually something soothing and fun about being at an all christian - all Methodist youth church camp. Not too long ago I had someone in my church say that we should encourage the children of our church to go to church camps that are closer to home - camps that are NOT Methodist - but are Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, etc. As Methodists, we are open to all faiths - and all dogmas - so this idea to have my child go to a different denomination camp should not bother me. But I somehow would rather not encourage that of my own children - at least at this time. If they had a friend who asked them to camp, that would be something different. But, there is just something about going to a Methodist Church camp when you are Methodists.

Let me pull back a moment, and explain something that happened a few months ago. We were visiting a friend of mine who happens to be Mormon - and her son asked my sons - "So what religion are you?" - of course my kids were like - "uh, we believe in God" - and he came back with "no, what are you? like are you Mormon like us, or some other religion?" This made me think that my kids don't even know that they are being raised Methodist.

So, back to camp - having my child at church camp - and not just church camp, but a Methodist Church Camp - helps them to find an identity to their faith. It helps them to see that there are others who believe similar to them. Not that there isn't similarity between all churches, dogmas, and even religions, but there is just something about having that similarity and identity. It's not segregation of religions... it's not saying that they should only get together with others who believe as they do... it's just a commonality between everyone who is there - and to a child, this commonality supports identity and creates long lasting bonds!

Today, I have seen my son play, interact, talk, etc with a very diverse group of youth! If he comes back next year, he will see many of the same youth! He will gain friendships for life! Perhaps he will grow in faith. He will definitely have positive role models. For all the headaches that have happened because of camp - fundraising, drivers, etc - I am glad that my child has got this experience! I hope he wants to go back for another year! or MORE!! And who knows, perhaps I'll have forgotten all the pains leading up to the experience, and choose to do it again as well! :) Being "Camp Mom" is kind of fun! and it's great having all the kids from church here to check in on!

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