Monday, February 11, 2013

Bucket List

Why do we always wait until we are old to make a bucket list - I mean, I completely understand the concept - things you want to do before you kick the bucket - but why wait? Of course, there are many things on my list that I may not get a chance to do until I'm older, simply because of the chaos that is my life - or the lack of money - or the fact that I do have children to take care of.  But, I have a bucket list - and it is ever changing.  But I don't want to wait until I'm old to write this list - I don't want to wait to start doing the things on my list - I especially don't want to wait to dream about all the fun I'll have while doing the things on this list. Of course, according to my children, I'm already "OLD" - but here is my bucket list, as of today, February 11th at 11:26am - it may change tomorrow.

Travel - visit Thailand, Japan, India, Hawaii
Go sky diving
Get my nose pierced
do a cross country trip - visit the old family home in Lancaster Co., PA (the Hans Herr House)
Learn another language WELL
Get a masters degree - Music or Social work or a 2nd bachelors in Marine Biology
Touch and swim with dolfins
Go Snorkeling
Do a Mission Trip - to Mexico with AMOR, or anywhere, really

OK, I'm sure there is more.... yeah, my bucket list is so fluid, it's all in my head! What is on YOUR bucket list - and why aren't you trying to make it happen TODAY! It's all excuses... I have TONS of excuses, believe me. My High School band director once said - ah words of wisdom from Simon Austin - Those who fail have many excuses, those who succeed have no excuses. It's true, we let our excuses take over and we don't do what we truly want to do. So, here is to my bucket list - and to dreaming and one day having no excuses so I get them done!

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