Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I like to do things for people - I don't do it because I will be compensated somehow by money or other gains. Well, perhaps I do, because I feel good when I do an act of kindness. I like that warm feeling in the pit of my stomach knowing that I have helped someone out. 

I'm sure you have heard that saying "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." Well, I have recently heard a tag at the end of this, changing it to say "God doesn't give you more than you can handle - with help." I often see myself as that "help" that some may need in order to handle all the crap that life can throw at them.

Most recently, I've helped out a couple of friends who are going through some tough times. I really enjoy these people, and I ache for what they are going through. They have needed some help in watching their youngest child - who of course I adore (along with their other children), and when the need arose, I offered. They offered me money, but I couldn't take it. I've had others ask me why I'm not asking for compensation when I get a frantic call or text at 8AM - "Can anyone pick up my daughter today at 12?" I mean, come on... I have to put down what I'm doing, take time out of my day, use gas to drive to the destination, etc. And, as so many are quick to point out, "time is money."  I suppose I have this crazy notion that we are meant to help one another in whatever capacity we are able. For some, it is merely praying, for others it revolves around money and donating - for me, it's helping out a friend who is a working mother and has few people who she trusts to turn to with the care of her child.

There seems to be a movement going on to do random acts of kindness. I love this movement, but I think some people are missing the point. The point is to do something kind for someone else - this could be a smile, paying for a stranger's order in the drive-thru, or picking up a friend's child from pre-school because you have the time and are able. It is NOT to count up and boast about the many times you help people out - oh look, I did 20 random acts of kindness today, how many did you do? It's not to keep score - hey, I watch your kids last weekend, you need to watch mine for me this weekend. And it's not to get some sort of monetary gain from it - hey, I drove you out to your job interview because your car died, now that you have the job, can you kick me back a little gas money?

Right about now, you may be thinking - "I'm not like that" or "How can people REALLY be like that?" It is true that many of us probably do one or two acts of kindness and don't think in this way -- But I know that I have caught myself thinking these thoughts now and again. I am only human, and it is a very human thing to be thinking that idea "what's in it for me?" These thoughts often quickly fly away once I do a deed of kindness and I feel warm just knowing I've helped someone. That is my reward. That is my benefit, and it encourages me every day to do it again and again.

This coming week is Random Acts of Kindness week - and I invite you to participate. I invite you to search a little and push yourself to go out of your comfort zone to do random acts of kindness, but in doing so... do not keep score or boast. Do not seek out monetary gain, or the praise of others (or God) for your many acts. Simply bask in that ooey, gooey feeling you get knowing that you have done a kindness to someone that has helped them out in a way that only you could.

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